HAELO PEMF Study Participant Testimonial
Learn more about what this new HAELO fan has to say:
“My experience was great! It was super easy to use and very comfortable because I could just place it on my lap and do other things at the same time. It was really easy to set up, I downloaded the app on my phone and easily connected to Bluetooth. The process was super easy and the instructions were clear, then you just click on whichever program you want to play.
I do a few different sports, cycling, weightlifting, hiking and running and I use HAELO before workouts and after for recovery. The program called Prepare I played before a run and I felt amazing! I know it was the frequency set because I haven't run in a while and I felt great! I felt strong and energized. After running and my workouts, I was sore and the Recover program helped to relieve immediate soreness so that was one of my favorite experiences with HAELO!”
- Laura C, Cyclist, Runner, all-around athlete, and HAELO fan!